Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Introducing Foodie For A Day

I read several blogs, many of which are food blogs.  Now, I don’t consider myself much of a foodie though I do enjoy cooking on occasion and trying new things but I do find that many food blogs catch (& maintain) my attention.  Most of these blogs that I find myself reading consistently are about more than just food, but rather about healthy balances of food and fitness.  
My friend Justine introduced me to KERF a couple years ago and this is definitely the blog that I follow the closest and generally enjoy reading the most.  Kath leads a very active and healthy lifestyle that is much to be desired, though she is very open and honest about the challenges that present itself making it hard to live this way everyday.  Anyway, reading about the food that she eats and cooks everyday often inspires me to try something new but also makes me look further into the food that I eat on a daily basis.
Now I know many of you are probably reading this thinking I’m crazy because you see me as a very healthy eater.  Don’t get me wrong, I am.  Or at least I try.  And that definitely counts for something, but I also know that my laziness comes into play and I’ll pour myself a bowl of cereal for dinner instead of thinking about making a well balanced meal on a night that I actually have the time.  This happens more than it needs to and more than it should.  And these are the things that you don’t see.  These are the bad habits that I want to work on and mean when I say I’m not as healthy as I would like to be.  I have seen how the benefits of good food and a well balanced life style can impact your life and overall health.  I want to strive everyday to eat better and continue to be a role model to my friends, family and coworkers for what a healthy person looks like.  
It is with this that I would like to introduce a new “segment” for my blog - Foodie For a Day Wednesday!  Each Wednesday, I’m going to track the food I’ve eaten for the day via photos that I’ll upload to the blog.  I’ll show you everything I’ve eaten, making myself accountable for the opportunities that I have to improve, highlighting my successes, yet still allowing myself the freedom to enjoy life and food.  I’m hoping this challenges and inspires me to cook more and try new recipes, while also inspiring you to look inward at your habits and how you can improve for a healthier lifestyle.
With that, here’s what I ate today:
I eat the same breakfast just about everyday.  It’s simple yet delicious.  And I can keep it interesting by changing one thing: the peanut butter.  I’m peanut butter obsessed.  I often have at least 2-3 open jars in my fridge with another 1-2 waiting to be opened in the pantry.  The different brands, flavors, peanut vs almond, etc keep things exciting and delicious. :)

And let’s not forget the coffee with warmed soy milk.  Necessary for my daily function.  I have been trying different kinds of dairy free milk (almond, hemp, etc) but have yet to find something that can hold up to a hot cup of coffee without curdling or separating and falling to the bottom of the mug.  I have also found the Trader Joe’s brand of soy milk to be the best for coffee after a quick ‘zap’ in the microwave.  (Many brands of soy milk also curdle or separate - gross!)
While some mornings breakfast doesn’t hold me over as long as I want it to, today it seemed to hold me over forever.  I was able to run my errands and not eat until after 3!  Being the somewhat sick girl that I am, I decided a big bowl of soup + some power C juice was called for.  Boy was this delicious!

Some tea to soothe this poor girls throat...

And a special treat because you should never go out shopping when you’re hungry (or will be soon).
Scraped clean... ;)

While I’m posting this prior to dinner time, I imagine something will be consumed for dinner but I expect it to be more along the lines of a snack.  I’m feeling rather exhausted and thinking I’ll just head to bed at a ridiculously early hour tonight so I can hopefully get up and go to the gym before work tomorrow.  I had the whole day off today but decided to take my dad’s advice and give my body a break.  I’m dying for a little yoga, pilates or something - I need to move my body!

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