Friday, April 1, 2011

Horoscopes & Mizuno Precision Fit (this is NO April Fool's)

My horoscope for today courtesy of Yahoo Shine:
“Like a meditative monk, you will be searching for a place to reflect upon your own thoughts and feelings today. This is a wonderful time in your life to look inward for answers. The outside world offers ideas, recommendations and far too many self-help books. But only you hold the truly important answers. It will take time to find all the answers you seek, but the journey is a constantly surprising one. Take the first step today.”
My horoscope lied yesterday but this feels more on track and puts a little inspiration into my day.  (I hope it’s not an April Fool’s joke!)  
I started my day by allowing myself to sleep in - no alarm at all!  It was pretty amazing!  For someone who has really been struggling to stay awake each night (even past 8pm),  it was nice to sleep in a little in hopes I’m catching up on whatever sleep my body is basically demanding from me.  I went out with my friends to the Turtle Races last night and it was fun but I was yawning as I was walking in.  The bouncer even made a comment that there was to be no yawning...oops!  And I continued to yawn for the remainder of the evening, my body just felt so tired I couldn’t help it!  It’s a good thing the races were over by 11 so I could spend a little more time with my friends and still make it home by midnight.  I was out like a light!
But after waking up this morning, I decided to push my workout to the afternoon and start with some breakfast and coffee.  Since it was 10:30 the lack of coffee headache was already setting in so I knew this was the right move.  Which brings me to now, sitting on my couch drinking more coffee and having just finished a small bowl of cereal because my first breakfast didn’t fill me up enough...
This entry has taken me awhile to write because I found myself distracted by something REALLY cool: Mizuno Precision Fit (
Mizuno is the brand of shoes I was fitted for when I first really started running and decided to put money into my running shoes in order to best protect my knees.  Seeing as I had 2 knee surgeries by age 21, I figured I needed to put some money into my running shoes if I seriously wanted to take this up as a hobby and try to avoid further injury.  Since then, I’ve tried Asics and Brooks with no avail.  The Brooks were returned within the allotted time and replaced with the Asics that I have never really come to love.  I found myself still using my Mizuno’s until they hit the end of their life and hurt more than they helped.  The Asics have brought me through but I’m ready to go back to Mizunos.  The hard part has been finding a store that carries them.  The one I went to last year when I tried to replace them advertised they carried them but had just stopped when I made it in.  Lame.  
Anyway, this morning I decided to log onto the Mizuno website and do a little research and see if I could figure out which shoes I needed and just order them.  Well, to my surprise I ran across the Mizuno Precision Fit which walks you through several tests that determine your running style and structural makeup to pick the best shoe for you.  So cool.  I went through all of the tests and it brought me back to my original running shoe shopping trip 2 years ago while I was living in New Jersey and the things the sales person was noticing as we figured out what kind of shoe I needed.  The two options that came up at the result of this test are the same shoe - regular vs narrow which is where I’m currently stumped.  I have narrow feet (thank you to the Pearson genes!) but I’m generally okay with most normal width shoes.  But at the same time, I have thin ankles that slip through the backs of some shoes and when you run you want that additional support around your ankles, which is why runners tend to lace their shoes slightly different to add that additional support, so that makes me thinking I may want the narrow version.  Such decisions.  Thankfully I got a text message from my friend about another running store in Marina Del Ray that carries Mizunos! Whoohoo!!  I think I know where I’m stopping after today’s trip to the gym! 
And I’d also like to make note that the weather in LA has gone from gray and wet to sunny and GORGEOUS!  Apparently, we have entered beach weather (this scares me very much by the way) but I’m also super excited!  When the new running shoes enter my life, they will get to enjoy a fun run in this beautiful weather very soon!  (Now just to work on the asthma that’s been creeping back into my life slowly but surely and getting my distance and speed back from last summer!)  Days like today (nearly 80 degrees!) continue my wish for a bike so I could ride to the gym and a patio so I could sit with a book and my cup of coffee.  Ahhh... :)
To all my friends and family everywhere - I hope your winter weather decides to run away and that spring and summer may creep into your lives.  And that is no April Fool’s joke.  (But can me paying rent today be one?  I’d love to have my managers slip my check back into my apartment and say “just kidding! You don’t need to pay this month!” ...a girl can dream, right?)

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