Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Christmas Survey

Can you believe that it’s already December 17th?  Christmas is right around the corner!  While I’ll be in LA for Christmas, I do get to go home to my family in IL shortly thereafter and I couldn’t be more excited about that.  Celebrating Christmas a few days late is no big deal to me since we’ll all still get the opportunity to be together.
Anyway, I’ve been seeing a few blogs post this Christmas survey the last few days and it was fun enough that I wanted to join in! 
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? BOTH!  I’ll take a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows after a walk through the snow and a cup of coffee with a little warmed soy-nog in the morning. 
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? He wraps them!  And he uses the same paper every year... ;)
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored lights!  While I love the look of white lights, I’m used to colored lights as that was always my Dad’s preference so it’s now what I’m used to.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Nope, don’t think I ever have.
5. When do you hang your decorations up? Anywhere from the day after Thanksgiving to a week or two before Christmas.  Usually it just depends on my schedule.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Either the lasagna my dad makes for Christmas dinner (this is new as of the last few years) or the spicy flowerettes my mom makes every Christmas morning.
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? I’m not sure I can pick just one but probably any of the Christmas’s when my cousins would come up from Missouri and we’d perform as our music group, The Copy Cats.
8. What is on your Christmas Wishlist? A couple CDs, books and then the practical stuff like clothes, shoes and gift cards for groceries.  I’m simple.
9. Do you open a gifts on Christmas Eve? Growing up we would always get to open 1 gift from under the tree on Christmas Eve.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? Colorful lights, red star garland and a variety of ornaments I’ve received over the years.  My tree is tiny so it can’t hold up too many ornaments.
11. Snow? Love it or dread it? LOVE IT!  I miss having season changes in LA and growing up in IL, cold and snow are a part of what makes the holiday season for me.  So I am definitely hoping I will get a taste of snow when I go home this year.
12. Real tree or fake tree? I’ve always had fake trees.  I tried to buy a tiny real one one year and touching it made it fall apart.  It may have just been the wrong kind of tree but it made me realize that I’m AOK with my tiny little fake one.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I’m always just grateful for any gift I receive.  Even the simplest gifts bring me joy as it really is the thought that counts.
14. What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you? My family makes Christmas last days.  My mom’s entire side of the family gets together on Christmas Eve; Christmas morning is my family, grandma, Uncle Kenny and Uncle Don for brunch; Christmas dinner is usually my dad’s side of the family; a few days later it’s my mom’s side but this time it’s just her siblings and their kids.
15. What is your favorite Holiday dessert? The array of Christmas cookies - peanut butter blossoms, red and green M&M cookies, peppermint pinwheel cookies, and even more!
16. What is your favorite tradition? Growing up my Grandma, mom, great aunt, sister and I would all get together one day and just bake a bunch of cookies for all of the holiday parties.  These days it usually just consists of my mom, sister and I if we can find the time but it’s still a favorite.  That and watching White Christmas with my mom and sister every year.
17. What tops your tree? We’ve had an angel on our tree every year.  Since living on my own, I have a star that lights up on the top of mine.
18. Which do you prefer: giving or receiving? Giving!  I love thinking of something that I think each person will love.  It’s harder this year as I’m working on a tight budget, but I’m still thinking of ways to personalize a gift for each person without breaking the bank.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby
20. Candy canes, yuck or yum? They’re good but I’d rather crush them up and bake them into cookies or stir one into my hot cocoa.
21. Favorite Christmas Movie? White Christmas! Hands down!
22. What do you leave for Santa? We would leave a few cookies we had baked on the same Christmas plate, a glass of milk and a few carrots for the reindeer.
23. Do you have a Christmas morning tradition? We would wake up, my Grandma, Uncle Kenny and Uncle Don would come over for Christmas brunch and then my sister and I would open up our stockings.
24. Do you prefer to shop on-line or at the mall? Depends.  I usually go to the mall (or Target!) but this year I’ve done most of my shopping online.
25. Christmas letter or Christmas card? Christmas card.  I also love to receive them, so feel free to send them my way! :)
I’m off to watch a ridiculous Christmas movie and most likely fall asleep watching it.  Happy Saturday everyone! 

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