Well everyone, today is the day...again. As you’re all reading this I am most likely either finishing up getting ready to head over to the hospital, at the hospital, or even in surgery. I’m holding onto everything that I can that nothing delays today’s surgery and we can move forward as originally planned months ago.
It’s been a rough couple weeks as anticipation for this surgery grew stronger and as I felt I needed to convince people that my pain was not just due to the infection that cancelled the last one. Thankfully the ultrasound last week was proof that what’s causing my pain is still present in my body and we should move forward as planned.
I’ll try to make a quick post letting you all know how I’m doing post-surgery but let’s be honest - I’m going to be exhausted and drugged and any sort of post will most likely not happen.
I’ll be accompanied by my amazing friend Amy who has a list of people who have requested updates from her while we’re at the hospital. I couldn’t feel more support through all of this and I couldn’t be more thankful for that.
The end of my (daily) pain is near and the answers to months of questions will finally present themselves. Please keep your fingers crossed that things go well and I promise I will update you all as soon as I possibly can. Meanwhile, feel free to make your way through the archives of my life last year on this here blog.
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