Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Good Day

Let me start by saying if you’re wondering what happened to yesterday’s Fitness Friday, I was in too much pain to do anything and quite honestly, there was nothing to report from last week.  I did yoga 2x and that’s it...

After yesterday, I was so happy that I could walk when I woke up this morning and the pain had returned to a level that I could control, despite still being pretty severe.  I got concerned when I thought I was going to get sick after 1 bite of toast so I headed into work on an empty stomach.  And just to top if off, I took 2 puffs of my rescue inhaler and I’m still having trouble breathing.  I also had a pounding headache and 2 ibuprofen every 4-6 hours is not going to combat all that my body is enduring.  
I had a busy and productive morning, a good lunch and followed it up with a busy and productive afternoon.  Next thing I knew, I looked up and it was already a few minutes after 5 and I was supposed to leave.
I’d received tons of support and well wishes today and I tackled my ToDo list, feeling good about where I’ll be leaving things before I head out for the week.  At the end of the (work) day, I’d call it a good day.  I’m always talking about how it’s the little things and this is no different.  I couldn’t be more thankful for an overall good day.
And just in case you haven’t had a good day, here’s a few cartoons to give you a laugh:


Every Thanksgiving we take time to express our gratitude and thanks for all we have been blessed with in our lives.  But this month, I teamed up with my good friend for the month of November with what we’re calling the #GratefulSeason.  What are you grateful for?

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