Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A new look!

I’ve been wanting to change the look of my blog for awhile, especially after the Healthy Living Summit and in no way is this my final look.  In fact, I’m really working on moving it over to my own domain, but I’m not quite ready.
Nonetheless, I wanted something clean and simple temporarily, as I was sick of the same old look of my blog.  Expect changes to keep on comin’ as I find time to do a bit here or there.  And hopefully some even better photos and let’s be honest, my 3GS won’t make it much longer and despite the fact that it’s not the iPhone 5 (apparently we must keep waiting until who knows when), I’ll probably be purchasing a new phone on October 14th - the iPhone 4S - just announced today. 
And while my money is going to all sorts of medications and doctors visits for the unknown pain in my body - yes, my doctor did admit today she’s unsure of what is causing my pain - I will still probably get a new phone next week.
I should also make note that I finished Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban last night and have moved onto Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire this morning while at the gym.  It was a bit difficult to balance it on the stationary bike, be it so big but it was fun to start the next chapter! I’m doing a terrible job of making this a book club since I can’t seem to put them down so for that, I apologize!
I’m off to shower and stop at the pharmacy to pick up another prescription before work!  At least I’m not feeling quite as  sick today as I was yesterday, so that’s something.
Happy Tuesday folks!

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