Friday, February 4, 2011

A Photo of the Town You Live In - Day 12

It’s a good thing the “town” that I live in is an extremely photogenic town with all the gorgeous sunrises, sunsets and pretty consistent sunshine.  It actually makes picking ONE photo difficult, so instead you’re getting multiple.  I live on the “west side” in LA and work in Santa Monica so these are pictures from all over those areas.  They may also have some “help” from iPhone camera apps to make them more artsy but the picture was taken in the first place because there was a view that took my breath away.  I hope you enjoy them...

In other news, I’m on a bit of an organizational mindset right now.  The unfortunate thing is that I don’t have time to get things organized or money to put into additional organizational boxes and stuff.  And as I mentioned the other day, I don’t particularly feel like investing money into getting myself as organized as I would like in my current space just to know I will be moving in the (very) near future and will have to figure out how to get myself organized in that space when the time comes.  Despite that, I did buy two new storage boxes today at Target.  They’re the cloth “baskets” so there are no lids but they’ll be perfect for my rather large supply of purses and bags to store in the shelf in my closet. :)  I’m excited.  I like when things are organized and everything has a place.  But I’m not a big fan of “clear” containers.  I understand their purpose of being able to actually SEE what’s in them, I don’t want to SEE the clutter!  There are some things that I think clear boxes are perfect and the way to go, but for other things, I think a box that you can’t see through is a better option as long as you’re finding a way to mark what’s in there and not letting the clutter in that box get out of control.  I was talking to one of my coworkers about this the other day as we’re in the process of re-organizing the office at work.  I don’t want to see the clutter in the manager’s boxes (ie-their shirts, papers, lanyards, food, etc).  They each have their own and in my opinion, I don’t need (or want) to see it.  It all comes down to each person’s preference though...
Boy I can’t wait to move though.  I love how when you move it’s an opportunity to go through all of your stuff and get rid of the things you don’t need and re-organize the stuff you’ve been dying to get to but didn’t have time - now, you’re forced to!  I also hope to find a building I feel “safer” in.  Don’t get me wrong (and Mom & Dad don’t freak out), I’m in a fairly safe area and fairly safe building but there are aspects of this building that don’t allow me to feel as safe as I would like.  I’ve also been getting some very strange and disturbing nightmares that are making me feel on edge, despite the fact that deep down inside, I know I’m safe and these are only nightmares.  I’m not going to go into what the nightmares are because I don’t want to freak anyone out or have anyone go “wow girl, you’re messed up!” just know that I’m taking the steps necessary to feel safer and more secure, and looking for a new apartment as soon as I can. 
As I mentioned in my previous post about the busy-ness that has been the last couple of days, one thing that I did today was get my hair cut for the first time in about 9 months!  The last time I had it cut was May of last was beyond time to go back!  I decided I also wanted to color my hair again, going with the semi-permanent so the color would fade away and require less up-keep.  I hoped to get the same girl I got last time but she moved away, but the guy I got was awesome.  Unfortunately, they didn’t correctly save my color from last time but I’m still very happy with what I got today, as well as the cut.  Floyd’s Barbershop = awesome!

1 comment:

  1. The last picture is my favorite. :) You didn't have to go all the way to Mayberry to find Floyd's Barbershop, did you? (a reference to the Andy Griffith Show) Your hair looks very cute.
